The House of Lords on Thursday week voted by a
• large majority for a judicial inquiry into the case of Miss Violet Douglas-Pennant, who was summarily dismissed last August from her position as Commandant of the Women's- Royal Air Force. We cannot now enter into the controversy over this matter, but it seems to us clear that the • House of Lords was right in demanding an inquiry. Miss Douglas•Pennant has sixteen years of public service to her credit, especially as a Welsh Insurance Commissioner, and she is entitled as much as the humblest maidservant to clear her character of the aspersions implied in an abrupt dismissal without notice. At the same time the officers at the head of the Royal Air Force should have an opportunity of showing that they were not actuated by unworthy motives in the drastic course which they, took. Mr. Boner Law on Wednesday said that the Government would disregard the resolution of the House of Lords, and would refuse an inquiry lest it should create a precedent. It seems to-us that this is a blunder, for the controversy will continue, exciting suspicion and illwilL