The situation which has arisen brings us therefore face to
face with the international status of the British Empire. Is a Treaty signed by His Majesty's Govern- ment in Great Britain with a foreign Power binding on the Empire as a whole ? Hitherto foreign nations have naturally regarded treaties made with Great Britain as so binding. As the result of the present Canadian attitude it would appear that -a foreign nation entering into negotiations with.. the British Empire would have to conclude separate treaties with each self-governing nation of it. The situation can hardly, therefore, be left here. The ambiguity of the present situation is realized by a number of Canadian news- papers, among others the widely circulating Montreal Star, which in a leading article writes :- " It is, of course, utter nonsense for anyone to talk as if Canada could decide for herself whether or not she is bound by the Treaty of Lausanno," and it continues, " In two words, Canada can go out of the British Empire, but Canada oannot.stay in the Empire and pocket all the profits of that connexion and then blandly refuse to be bound by the British Empire's obligations."
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