7 JUNE 1924, page 3

On Friday, May 80th, The House Of Lords, By Three

votes to two, allowed the appeal of Mrs. John Russell. The result of this decision is that she remains legally the wife of Mr. John Russell, and that the child born in 1921 is......

In The Malay States Section Of The Wembley Exhibition There

is an exhibit of rubber blocks of a peculiar con- struction by which it is claimed that the problem of street paving is solved. As anyone knows who has the misfortune to motor......

An Official Paper Describing The Restoration Of The Lake And

its islands and margins in St. James's Park is a testimony to the care and good taste of the Office of Works. There has been much new planting, including water-lilies (which......

We Much Regret To Record The Death Of M. Paul

Cambon, who was French Ambassador here for twenty-two- years. He arrived when the bitterness of the Fashoda episode was not yet passed- and the traditional enmity between the......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.

July 5th. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 100 * ; Thursday week, 100* ; a year ago, 101 A r . 3f per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 78; Thursday week, 77f ; a year......

Sir Samuel Instone Has Announced That He Is Contem- Plating

a service of passenger motor-boats on the Thames, as a help towards solving the traffic problem of London. His scheme is dependent upon some fresh landing stages being......

Mr. Valentine Williams' Statement Is Very Eircum-...

mentions that Sir Edward Goschen fancied that Sardou's play -must have been in his mind when he hit upon the rendering " a scrap of paper." Herr von Bethmann Holwegg is reported......

The Government's First Honours List Was Published In The...

of Tuesday. There are no new peers, and only two baronets. Mr. F. H. Bradley, the distinguished philosopher of Merton College, Oxford, and Sir Charles Sherrington, the President......