Sir Samuel Instone has announced that he is contem- plating
a service of passenger motor-boats on the Thames, as a help towards solving the traffic problem of London. His scheme is dependent upon some fresh landing stages being established by the L.C.C. The Minister of Trans- port, when appealed to, declared that the matter had nothing to do with him, and concerned only the L.C.C. Surely this is an unimaginative view for the Minister of Transport to take, particularly as it is believed that his Ministry is to be exalted into the supreme traffic authority for London. It is ludicrous that there should be so few ways of seeing the greatest port in the world. We were much better off in the days of the old " penny steam- boats " run by a private company. These were displaced by the ambitious and disastrous scheme of the L.C.C., and since then we have had nothing. To follow the Thames from London Bridge to Sea Reach is an education in itself.