Such Vague Reports As There Are About The Progress Of
the Anglo-Russian negotiations are very discouraging. The truth seems to be that the two sides are arguing in different terms. The Russians will not have any per- manent......
The Attitude Of The Russian Soviet Towards The Mani- Festo
recently issued by British bankers is a disagreeable proof of how far the two sides are still removed from one another's thoughts and methods. All that the bankers said was, in......
We Much Regret To Record The Death Of M. Paul
Cambon, who was French Ambassador here for twenty-two- years. He arrived when the bitterness of the Fashoda episode was not yet passed- and the traditional enmity between the......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday, May 29th, The
Government were once more saved by Liberal votes. The division on the unemployment question had been expected to be the most critical so far in the history of the Government,......
In Germany Dr. Marx Is Reconstructing His Old Govern- Ment,
and his programme virtually contains only one point—acceptance of the Dawes Report. He declares that he considers himself to have received a mandate from the nation, and he is......
The Japanese Protest Against The New American Immigration...
delivered last Saturday. It will be remembered that even President Coolidge's earnest recommendation that the Bill should not be passed, was disregarded. The Gentlemen's......
In The House Of. Commons On Monday Mr. Noel Buxton's
Agricultural Bill passed its Second Reading. The Bill places the responsibility of fixing wages for England and Wales on a Central Wages Board. The County Wages Boards. will......
Last Sunday Night An Attempt Was Made Upon The Life
of Dr. Seipel, the Austrian Chancellor. Dr. Seipel was leaving a railway station when a young man fired three shots at him, one of which wounded him dangerously in the chest.......