[To the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. Stanley Casson, in his recent article in The Spectator, was substantially correct in his assumptions that the American road system is headed in the right direction, but he over- stated a great many points which might imply to English readers that America had solved the traffic-problem.
America is deeply concerned over a road fatality toll of some 35,000 persons annually and a regular 18-Months' casualty record on the highways that equals the American casualties in the World War. This does not convey the idea that the traffic problem has been solved or even nearly solved. Your writer was also correct in his statement that the Boston- Worcester Turnpike was originally laid out as an ideal traffic conveyor with protected crossings and built to take speeds of 60 miles an hour with safety. But, unfortunately, the engineers made a mistake which might interest England's engineers, of constructing the road over an obsolete right-of- way; directly through population centres, so that the great
super-express speedway virtually becomes a city street in places, while inviting terrific speeds which the authorities are forced to outlaw through the eternal vigilance of enforce- ment agencies.
Obviously, this is poor planning which should be avoided, even if it costs a lot. The result of this poor planning is not as your correspondent would have your readers think— namely, that there have been " virtually •no accidents on the Worcester Turnpike." On the contrary, there have been nearly 700 accidents within three years.—I am, Sir, &c.,
1 Norway Street, Boston, Mass.