Norway Today
Edited by Karl Fischer This admirably produced volume (Oslo : Mortensen, 18s.) is-one of the most intelligent examples of national publicity that has been produced.. It contains......
The June Periodicals - The Round Table's Survey Of Current
problems is, as usual, dispassionate and informing. Dealing first with " Germany Rearmed," it insists that " collective security " must be clearly defined. " Lasting peace......
The Art Of The Drama By F. B. Millet And
G. E. Bentley The position of drama in academic circles is extremely different in the United States of America from what it is in this country. Here its appearances on the......
Current Literature
ISRAFEL By , Hervey Allen This biography _ of Edgar Allan Poe (Gollancz, 18s:) is not a new book. It was originally published eight years ago in a limited edition and at a high......