I Turned With Some Interest On Monday To The Daily
Herald to see that journal's comments on the Labour knighthoods in the Birthday Honours list. But com- ments there were none. Such reticence was perhaps discreet. There are, in......
"something Ought To Be Done About It." That Familiar Dogma
formed the burden of Lord Kilmaine's speech in the House of Lords on Tuesday on the mis- demeanours of the Pressparticularly, in this case, in the matter of headlines. The......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE list of Mr. Baldwin's Cabinet may contain sur. prises, but it seems unlikely. Leakages are inevitable, for no prospective Prime Minister can frame his administration......
Watching The Trooping Of The Colour Last Monday, One Could
not but feel, not only its exceptional beauty as a pageant, but its unique charm as. a survival. Here is the outward show of Court militarism, as it flourished in the......
* -* To The Old Maxim " - Verify Your References" Might
with some advantage be added the injunction "and understand them." In Dr. Marie Stopes' new book on Marriage in My Time I come across the observation : "Numbers of children......
The Fight For Road-safety
T HE annual debate on the Ministry of Transport last Monday was the first in which Mr. lore- Belisha figured as Minister. Probably to most people it will come as a surprise to......