7 JUNE 1935, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Will you allow us to call attention to a matter which may interest many Cambridge graduates among your readers ? In November, 1934, the Cambridge Conservative Graduate Association was inaugurated, with a committee of residents and non-residents, and with three main objects : (a) that nominations for the university seats might be on a satisfactory basis ; (b) that contact might be maintained with all Con- servative graduates resident and non-resident ; (c) that the interest in university politics of the members of the C.U. Con-

servative Association might be maintained after graduation. University; graduates have in their special representation an historic right, and university representatives have a dis- tinctive position, both of which can be strengthened and enhanced by broadening channels of communication between electors and burgesses. We therefore invite all Cambridge graduates to inform us of their readiness to become members of the Conservative Graduate Association. The subscription is 5s. per annum, or 21 is.- for life. It is hoped to issue an annual bulletin.—Yours faithfully,

A. B. RAMSAY, President ; REGINALD NORTHAM, Secretary; G. P. LENOX-CONYNGHAM, Treasurer. 69 Grange Road, Cambridge.