7 JUNE 1935, Page 3

The debate on Foreign Affairs initiated by the Liberals emphasized

the virtual unanimity of the House of Commons on what Lord Halifax has described as the "dual task" of taking every advantage of the Reichstag Pronouncement to secure a limitation of armaments and at the same time proceeding with the plans to build up to parity in the air. Though Sir Stafford Cripps made a strong attack on the proposed increase in our air armaments no answering cheers came from behind him. It is clear that the Labour Party is split on the question, and that very many members of it, particularly the Trades Union group, are by no means as much opposed to the new squadrons as their leaders on the front bench Would have the country believe. Mr.. Anthony Eden, who wound up for the Government, was in great form.

His mild ragging of the Samuelites, who had asked him for an unequivocal declaration that the Government believed in collective security, was in the best Parlia- mentary traditions. " His Majesty's Government," he said, "do believe in collective security, if only because collective security is as important a principle for a Government as it is for a nation. We have had of late some experiences of difficulties in another connexion.

We all remember the tragic consequences of attempting to agree. to differ, and the very sad and sorry straits to which was reduced the party that persisted in isolation. Therefore, I would like to assure the House that our belief in collective security continues and grows."