7 JUNE 1969, Page 24

The Bath bun

Sir: I should like the opportunity to point out that the one interpretation Mr Thomp- son manages to draw from my marriage statement happens to be erroneous ('Specta- tor's notebook', 23 May).

If I exercised a vote in these matters. I would cast it unhesitatingly for the aboli- tion of hereditary titles. At the same time, I remain concerned about my future busi- ness interests at Longleat: and therefore concerned (with regard to the fierce ex- changes of gimmickry in the competition between stately homes) that such renuncia- tion should not take the form of a unilateral disarmament.

The motivation which Mr Thompson missed is that Longleat is legally entailed upon the marquisate. Therefore, if I happen to wish that the house which I regard as my home shall eventually come under the direction of any son of my own, I am obliged to take steps to ensure that the child will be born in wedlock (retrospective legitimisation having no validity with regard to the marquisate).

The determination of the child's sex is a factor which lies beyond our control. But we can always try again.