7 JUNE 1969, page 25

Sir: May One Who Is Also A Catholic Anglican Say

how much he agrees with the gr ea t er part of Angus Maude's article (30 May). But there is one paragraph therein which I would venture to challenge because it seems to me to......

Biafra And The Left

Sir: Mr S. L. Muhanji's letter (30 May) does not explain the attitude of the Kenya government on the Biafra tragedy. No one is against Kenya getting loans and experts from East......

Unfashionable Views

Sir: Your contributor, J. W. M. Thompson ('Spectator's notebook', 16 May), quotes Sir Kenneth Clark as saying that photography has destroyed 'straightforward, naturalistic......

A Lesson In Communication

Sir: Ludovic Kennedy (9 May) has taken three-quarters of a page to spell out what is obvious, I should have thought, to most churchgoers as to the meaning of Matthew ii, 5 and 6......

The Bath Bun

Sir: I should like the opportunity to point out that the one interpretation Mr Thomp- son manages to draw from my marriage statement happens to be erroneous ('Specta - tor's......

Now That The Ball Is Over

Sir: Mr Roger Franklin confidently ex- plains (Letters, 23 May) why no nation— whether Czechoslovaks or ourselves— should attempt to resist aggression, or even threaten to......

Church, Change And Decay

Sir: How timely is Angus Maude's re- minder to the church that it is not how but what we communicate that matters (30 May), and that religion is primarily a matter of faith, not......