7 JUNE 1969, page 24

Credit Uncontrollable? Money

NICHOLAS DAVENPORT It is not for me to come to the aid of the bankers. In fact, I have already ventured to suggest that the Chancellor might well impose an excess profits tax on......

One-way Street

PORTFOLIO JOHN BULL The National Institute's latest Economic Review, which records the further post- ponement of balance of payments surplus, got stock markets off to a bad......

The Bath Bun

Sir: I should like the opportunity to point out that the one interpretation Mr Thomp- son manages to draw from my marriage statement happens to be erroneous ('Specta - tor's......

Two Tiers For Universities

LETTERS From Hugh Brogan, Lord Weymouth, the Rev Gordon Wilson, Maurice B. Reckitt, A. C. Little, Tibor Szamuely, Lieut-Col A. N. Skinner, Nweke Agbata, T. C. Skeffing-......