7 MAY 1927, Page 14

Country Life and Sport


At the edge of Hatfield Park, a place long famous for birds and flowers and much besides, was held last week, under the chairmanship of Lord Salisbury, a conference on what 'are Called rural community councils ; and incidentally on parish councils. Lady Verulam was lyrical on the beauty of the Country. The old and honoured founder of garden cities, Mr. Ebenezer Howard, said the village was the only unit where you could expect the communal spirit to prevail. The Ministry of Health officially blessed the meeting. A great many old parish councillors and more active members of women's institutes listened and asked questions, and perhaps wondered what it was all about. The questions largely con- centrated round the doubt how far the powers of parish councils extended, and this would indicate that few people quite realized what this new movement, made possible by the Carnegie fund, is or may be.