As Regards Lock-outs, Sir Douglas Hogg Said That He Was
prepared to include in the Bill a provision against a general lock-out. He did not think this was really necessary, as it would be far simpler for the Government to take over......
News Of The Week
T HE second-reading debate on the Trade Unions Bill in the House of Commons has unquestionably im- proved the position of the Bill. This is due to the foolish and inexcusable......
Sir Douglas Hogg, The Attorney-general, Who Was In Charge Of
the Bill, expounded it on Monday and rightly said that no ease for injustice could possibly be stated against its four main provisions. If Mr. Clynes had appreciated the true......
* * Sir Douglas Hogg Argued That After The General
strike of last year it could not be pretended that to inscribe truisms in a declaratory statute was merely fussy. The Government were convinced that it was necessary to show......
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