Tile Conquest Of Brazil. By Roy Nash. Onathan Cape. 18s.
net.)-Brazil is larger than the United ites, but it has only thirty million inhabitants, mostly iterate, and vast areas of its surface are virtually unexplored. et it has......
311 - Sic: Classical, Romantic And Modern.
Faglefield-Hull. (Dent and Sons. 10s. 6d. net.)-This is 'useful survey of achievements from the time when the over of musical composition began to appear to the present ay. The......
Conversation. By Olive Heseltine. (methuen. ,• 64 .) --•"...
use of a book ? " asked Alice, " without ictures and without conversations ? " Here we have one should be of the greatest use to all lovers of literary 1p as well as to talkers,......
Information On The Problem Of Security 1917-1926). By J. W.
Wheeler-Bennett and F. E. Langer- lann. (London : Allen and Unwin. 10s. net.)-We can commend this book to those who study international Titles. It contains as appendices the......
Life And Work In Medieval Europe. By P. Boissonade....
with an Ifitraduction by Eileen Power. (Kegan Paul. 16s. net.)=No volume in the fine " History of Civilization " series Will be more warmly welcomed by serious readers than this......
. The Russian Revolution : 1917-1926. By Lan- Celot Lawton.
Illustrated. (Macmillan. 21s.)-This is by far the most balanced book on the subject of the Russian Revolution that has yet appeared in English. It examines the Bolshevik regime......
A Library List
HISTORY AND TRAVEL :-History of the 60th Division, 1914- 1918. By Col. P. II. Dalbiac. (Allen and Unwin. 21s.) Masters of War. By Neville D'Esterre. (Allen and Unwin. 8s. 6d.)......