[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Surely some of your readers must have been amazed to read in the motoring article by " C. A. R." that "within five and twenty miles of Blagdon, up in the Mendips, you can reach almost every point in Somerset worth visiting." Has " C. A. R." never heard of Exmoor and the glorious Lorna Doone country or of the Quantocks so intimately associated with Wordsworth and Coleridge ? And are not Minehead, Dunster, Porlock, Dulverton and Winsford (to name only a few) points worth visiting ?
Nearly all our villages—even the smallest—are worth visiting for their churches alone, and the scenery from the Quantocks to and including Exmoor is some of the finest in England. Possibly " C. A. R." assumed, as so many people do, that the Quantocks and Exmoor are in Devon, but, of course, the Quantocks are wholly in Somerset and only a tiny corner of
Exmoor is in Devon.—I am, Sir, &c., T. H. Hosz000n. Minehead, Somerset.