7 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 1

The Continental newspapers this week have been remarkably bare of

Myth-taut intelligence ; and the correspondence of our ; own daily journals has been equally uninteresting.

The Journal des Debuts, now that it has been disowned by the French Government, asserts that it has always been perfectly in- dependent; an . assertion which, as the Morning Chronicle ob- serves, is somewhat at variance with the fact of its receipt of money and favours from the Ministry.

All the French Ministerial journals now profess great respect

for ME Z ABAL-; 'which is • perhaps the reason—for we .cannot discover a better one—why the National and others, of the Opposi- tion press are beginning to regard him with suspicion, and pi ofess to see the Doctrinaire policy lurking under his apparent Liberalism. It is announced that the Chamber- of Deputies, at - its next ses- sion, will be principally occupied with•discussions on financial and commercial subjects. Deem. ii. to, be reelected . President, the Ministers having withdrawn their intended opposition to him. In return,-Durts spared them in his'speech at the opening of the Court of Cessation, of which he is Procureur-G•eneml.