The Friends Of Municipal Reform In Leeds Have Come To
the reso- lution to let all their proceedings, in the choice of Councillors, &c. originate in the wards rather than with any meeting of a more general nature ; and in compliance......
In The Westminster Court Of Requests, On Thursday, Soames, A
carpenter, obtained an order against Mr. George Rawlins, a solicitor, Secretary to the Conservative Club, and supporter of the Tory objec- tions before the Revising Barrister,......
On Wednesday, His Majesty's Steam-packet Lightning...
Holland. She was boarded by the Revenue-officers ; who seized tobacco, tea, and cigars on board, all interded to be smuggled. The cigars were found in places to which the......
The Irish Agitators Had A Meeting At Liverpool On Friday..
The noted Mr. Holton was Chairman, and Mr. M‘Ghee the principal spokesman. There was a Tory dinner at Rochdale, in Lancashire, a few days ago. It is intended shortly to feast......
We Have Not Yet Quite Exhausted The Memorandums Of The
pro- gress of the Registration furnished by the country newspapers ; but before giving the few additional particulars we have gleaned, we must refer our readers to the letter of......
Tbc Countyp.
A meeting of the Agricultural Association of East Suffolk was held at Framlingham on Tuesday, and was very numerously attended. The object sves to consider the propriety of......