The Irish agitators had a meeting at Liverpool on Friday..
The noted Mr. Holton was Chairman, and Mr. M‘Ghee the principal spokesman.
There was a Tory dinner at Rochdale, in Lancashire, a few days ago.
It is intended shortly to feast Sir Robert Peel at Bath, if he will consent to take the journey, and the Members for South Devonshire at Kingsbridge.
The Bath Liberals say that they will soon invite General Palmer, Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Hume, Mr. Grote, and Lord Brougham, to a public entertainment.
The Bristol Gazette says...." The committee for conducting the din- ner to Lord John Russell have been obliged to abstain from issuing any more tickets, as those already bespoke are more than sufficient to fill the room.
The result of the last registration at Devizes is said to have been decidedly favourable to the Conservative interest. Both parties, how- ever, appear very confident of success; and it will probably be a hard- fought contest between the two candidates, Mr. Estcourt and Captain Dundas.—Morning Post. [This is but a feeble cry for the Tories : we suspect that Captain Dundas is likely to have the best of the battle.1
At the Ludlow Sessions, last week, Mr. Lechmere Charlton inti- mated his intention of retiring from the representation of that borough whenever Another election should place. He should also, he added,
withdraw from all interference with the affairs of the town as an Alderman and Magistrate.—Birrninyham Gazelle. [ A very obliging gentleman this Mr. Lechmere Chariton! The Reformers have in- creased in strength at the registration, and mean to put Mr. Romilly in Mr. Charlton's place ; so Mr. Charlton is good enough to retire. The old Aldermen are to be laid on the shelf; so Mr. Charlton says be means to abstain from acting as an Alderman ; and as to the Magistracy, he is not likely to be recommended to the King by Lord John Russell. So Charlton's occupation is going, and will soon be gone,—unless he again figures among his old associates, the members of the Birmingham Political Union ; but they would not readmit the renegade.]