7 NOVEMBER 1835, page 6

The Heads Of Colleges At Cambridge Have Again Passed Over

Dr. LAMB inn the nomination of candidates for the Vice-Chancellorship. Last year it was Dr. LAMB'S turn to serve the office ; but his Liberal principles rendered him......

Mr. Acheson Lyle Has Been Promoted From The Assistant...

ship of the King's County, to the second or Deputy Rementhrancership. Mr. Acheson Lyle has been promoted from the Assistant Barrister- ship of the King's County, to the second......

Lord Kenyon Has Sent A Letter To The Chester Chronicle

with a copy of Fairman's denial of treasonable talk to the Yorkshire Orangemen ; and this the silly Lord, of singularly short memory, thinks quite suf- ficient to clear himself......

Mr. Hickman Kearney, One Of The Paving And Lighting Commis-

sioners of the City of Dublin, was examined Oil Wednesday by the agent of the sitting Members before the Election Commission. It will be remembered that the non-payment of the......

Her Majesty Was Treated With Some Indignity When Passing...

the gate at Henley Bridge, by Bolton, the gatekeeper. Immediately the circumstance was known to the Commissioners, they met and passed a resolution, regretting that they had no......

The Army.

WAR -orrice.. Nov. 6.-hit Regt. of Life Guants-Assist.-Surg. W. Brernet. M.D. to be Snrg. vice M. L. Este, who retires upon hilt-pay; Assist.-Surg,. F. Goods in, from the 10th......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The Tories committed a blunder when they descended from vague boasting of their success in the Registration Courts, to figured state- ments of gains and losses.......

A Considerable Portion Of An Extensive Spinning And...

belonging to Messrs. Bowers and Co., at Levenshulme, near Manches- ter, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday morning. William Worth, who was employed in the gas-works belonging to......

The Election Commission Court Was Reopened On Aionday....

his seat as Chairman at ten o'clock, but mad.. servation of any moment. The oath, as required by the Act, s ministered to him ; and a very serious responsibility it imposes. It......

East India Shipping.

Arrived-At Gravesend, Nov. 31, Tamerlane, M'Kellar, from Bengal ; and 4th, Claudine. Bentham from Madras. At Liverpool, 5th, Ranger, Guy, front Bombay. At St. Helena, Aug' Pith,......