Her Majesty was treated with some indignity when passing through
the gate at Henley Bridge, by Bolton, the gatekeeper. Immediately the circumstance was known to the Commissioners, they met and passed a resolution, regretting that they had no authority summarily to punish the man ; but they unanimously agreed to dismiss him as soon as possible, and to convey to Earl Howe, her Majesty's Chamberlain, a copy of their resolutions.- Windsor Express.
The Dutchess of Kent has given 2001. to be divided amongst the various charitable institutions of Ramsgate, Margate, and Broadstairs.
Lord John Russell and Sir John Ilebhouse are on a visit to the Marquis of Lansdowne, at Bowood in Wiltshire.
Lord Stowell entered his ninety-second year on Thursday sennight, on which occasion, the Earl of Eldon came front his seat at Encomb to spend the birthday with his brother, as usual, at Eirly Court.
The melancholy and sudden death of Captain the Honourable Sir Henry Duncan, which occurred on Sunday evening last, at his resi- dence in Eaton Place, has called forth the unfeigned regret of all who had the bumpiness of his acquaintance. As an officer, Sir Henry stood in the very highest rank in his profession ; mid at an early age was distinguished for his zeal, coolness, and decision of character. The very able manner in vi Lich he conducted the ditties of the office be filled in the Ordnance was highly beneficial to the service, which has lost in him one of its brightest ornaments. Iii private life, the kind feelings which flowed front a generous heart endeared him to a large circle of friends, who fully appreciated his value, and deeply lament his loss : indeed, it may be said that few men have lived more beloved, or died more sincerely regretted, both publicly and privately.-Curre- spondee/ (lege Times.