The Tories committed a blunder when they descended from vague boasting of their success in the Registration Courts, to figured state- ments of gains and losses. 'We have more than once pointed out the systematic omission of the number of claims put forward by the op- posing parties, irt the Tory returns; sad the same deficiency is apparent in what was intended by the Standard to pass for a very elaborate and accurate account of the results of the registration in seventh counties and towns. The Morning Chronicle has demonstrated the utter ab- surdity of pretending to convey any thing approaching to a correct view of 1112 comparative strength of parties, unless the claims sub- stantiated are taken into the calculation; and has in numerous instances proved the Standard to be without any real knowledge of the subject on which it professed to be so well and accurately informed. The scraps which the Standard picked up from the Tory provincial papers make a sorry appearance by the side of the complete and authen- ticated statements of the Chronicle. In some cases, every figure in the Tory statement is erroneous ; and in nearly all, by the omission of some essential element in the calculation, the true result is unattainable. What makes the attempt of the Standard to prove the asserted victory of its friends more ridiculous, is the fact, that it gives (pretended) returns from only eleven counties out of fifty-two, and only nineteen
boroughs in ! These returns are ludicrously meagre and incorrect ; and yet we are referred to them as demonstrative of the utter ruin of the Reform interest in the country.
As an illustration of the different modes in which the Standard and the Chronicle have gone to work on this question, we subjoin the Halifax return of each. The Standard tells its readers, that " In Halifax, the Conservatives removed 103 Whigs froM the register, while he Whigs expunged only 34."
The inference intended to be drawn from this is, that the Tories
have established:a majority in Halifax, the Chronicle's statement- Names struck off the li st Of these-New claims
Old voters New claims established of 69 votes.
Tories. Liberals.
74 100 53 74 19 2ti — — But now turn to Dead and D Duplicate. Doubtful.
3 I 74 40 100 144
BEsu LT-Tory gains by new claims 40 Loss by old voters 19
Liberal gains by new claims ... 144
Loss by old voters 29
Balance of gain to Liberals 97 Upon turning to the state of the poll at the last election, we find that Mr. Wood received 336, Mr. Wortley 308, Mr. Prothero 307 votes ; so that the Tory had a majority of one. This is to be deducted from the Liberal gain above specified of 97; and thus the majority against the Tories is found to be 96, instead of 69fur them.
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