The Second Chamber of the Dutch States.General has been adjourned
to the 23d instant. It is surmised that their High Mightinesses have been found unmanageable by the Court. The proposed corn-duty is the source of much dissatisfaction, and will be vigorously opposed in both Chambers. The Journal de la Hoye contains some correspondence from ANTONIO SARAIVA, the London agent of Viscount SANTAREM, Don Minust.'s Minister, with his employer. SARAIVA says that in 1833, at a period of the struggle when the prospects of Don PEDRO were at the worst, the GREY Cabinet had resolved to acknowledge MIGUEL as King, upon his settling an income on Don PEDRO and Donna MARIA, granting an amnesty, and ceding the Azores to this country. The Globe denies that there is any truth in this story.