The recent pressure for money has now entirely passed away : the last mea- sure of the Bank of England, bv which the tune for the repayment of the short loans was extended from the 20th instant to the Ritli January, has removed all fear upon the subject of a scarcity of capital or difficulty- of accommodation. The Coosol Market has been in an inert state. The purchases on account of the West Indian Loan still continue; and the amount invested this week has been more than 000,000/. The market has thus been relieved of a considerable weight of Stock ; but has not improved at all in price. Exchequer Bills are higher than last week by about 2f, per cent. Some of the Railway speculations have received a severe check during the last three or four days: most of the schemes already on the market have de- clined, and some of the new ones are not current at any premium. The de- cline in the Blackwall Railway Shares is referable to the revival of the preten- s:ons of 80111e powerful competitors, who, it was believed, had relinquished their intended rival enterprise ; in the other Shares the decline must be con- sidered as the natural result of the absurd spirit in which many of these specu- lations have recently been cart ied on. In the Foreign Market, the dealings have been chiefly in the Converted Stock or SpailiAl Consolidated Five per Cents. ; ail an improvement of more than 1 per cent. beyond the amount of dividend just paid has taken place ; cl! in other words, the stock has increased in value nearly 4 per cent. ; the quo- tation of this week being without the dividend of 2i per cent., which became due on Monday last,/ Some purchases have occurred in the Deferred and Passive portiols of the Debt. The approaching sales of national property will; it is supposed, confer an increased value upon the Passive Stock ; and it is hoped that among the financial arrangements of the coming session of the Cartes, some measure may be proposed which will augment that of the De- ferred Stock.
Portuguese Bonds have improved, in consequence of the favourable intelli- gence both political and financial received from Lisbon.
The other European Continental Stocks are generelly without variation from the prices of last week.
The South American Securities and Mining Shares are quite neglected.
The Consul Market is rather lower than yesterday ; the price both for Money and Account being 911 sellers. In the Foreign Minket, Active Spanish Stock has been as low as 44, but the price has since improved, and is now 42;1 6. The Deferred and Passive Stocks are also depressed, the former being 20A 4 and the latter ll 12. The Railway Shares still continue heavy ; the prices generally being from 5s. to 1/. a share below those of yesterday.
The Consol Market closes as in the morning; viz, sellers at 94. Spanish Active Stock, after reaching 424, has since declined to 42, and closes at 421. The other Foreign Stocks remain at the morning's prices. The Raihvay speculations are heavy, at lower prices than in the morning.
.-er Cent. Consols Ditto for Account New 30 per Cent. Arnui.ies Bank &mit E7miterpier Bills Omnium Belgian 5 per Cents..ex. die Brazilian 5 per Cents.
Danish 3 per Cents
911 f 99i •
11 13 pm. — 1001 1 841 5
Dutch 21 per Cents French 3 per Ceats Gteek, 18Z5, 5 per Cents Blezicao 6 per Cents.
Portuguese 3 per Cents Do. Regency 5 per Colt Russian, 1882. 5 per Cent., Spanish. 1835, 5 per Cent Ditto 1835
131 1 537.43st 88f 1 108 f