It is said that Louis Napoleon would be willing enough
to wel- come home the Monarch under whose reign returned to France the ashes of the President's illustrious uncle ; only the said President apprehends, just now, the imputation of Royalist sympathies. No doubt, Louis Philippe can wait to cross the Aitglo-Gallican Lethe. Meanwhile, the indefatigable "nephew of my uncle" has set out on another tour to conciliate his countrymen. Speculative politicians are watching with interest the assem- bling of the Councils-General, as it is said that they are prtl- pared to take a new ground in giving distinct expression to the na- tional sentiments on the practical conduct of public affairs. This growth of the municipal faculty in France would be not more new than hopeful. One fears that the genius of the people, though "republican," is not democratic, but tending too much to the mili- tary or hierarchical—that love of rank and power which is willing to purchase with obedience to those above, the luxury of command- ing those below—for true working in coequality. But "you never know till you try "; and experience may have brought the French in matters of local polity to the point so long since attained by the Anglo-Saxon family, and even by the Basque family.