7 SEPTEMBER 1850, page 20

Ford ' S Lithograph Of Slr George Pollock.

A gallant soldier, with a countenance full of character. We do not know - Sir George's aspect ; but the portrait is so like his brother, the Chief Baron, that we presume a......

Another New Musical Periodical Challenges Some Notice, If...

its merit, at least by its pretensions-and arrogance. Itisentitled The Church Musician ; and professes to be the organof a society who call themselves "The Church Musical......

„the ,,scotrish National Gallery. . The Copy Of A Lithograph

by Messrs. Johnston„oLthe,SmtWational Gallery-asit - will-appear whertrftnish* comes_Itt an_oppoitiine_ueason The building, designed . by W. H.,Playfair, looks- well,—none the......

The Arts.

merivxfs. seln,rzt-RE. ;p4tidi Raffaele Monti . , Whose arrival n London we had occapielOib welcome about two yeare-ageis:agaiii installed in' a sort' of provisional stiglio, at......

No Music - Publisher At The Present Time Deserves So Well Of

the *die au Mr. Joseph Alfred Novelle. He has led the way in breaking down the exorbitant price of music, and in placing musical and literary publi - . cation in this respect on......

Mortality In The Metropolis. Results Of The...

mortality. in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last: the-first . colionn of figures gives the aggregate number of deaths in the corresponding *take of the ten......


i on the 2d August, at Madeira, the Wife. of Calverley Betvicke, Esq., of Ballston ;Hall, Leicestershire, of a son. ; On the 29th, at Kirkennan, Kirkcudbrightshire, -the Wife of......