„THE ,,SCOTrISH NATIONAL GALLERY. . The copy of a lithograph
by Messrs. Johnston„oLthe,SmtWational Gallery-asit-will-appear whertrftnish* comes_Itt an_oppoitiine_ueason The building, designed . by W. H.,Playfair, looks- well,—none the worse for being„ it would seem, a true galle•ry,..ancl not a lieuseful of roonto„ like the so-called gallery in Trafalgar Square. The effect of the whole scene, illustastes what art may do in converting a nuisance into a benefit. The gallery is built On " the Mound,'Horiginally a heap of rubin.sli formed by excavating the New Town; next, an elevated and naked citug.Pw.fik from the New Town to the Old ; henceforth an embankment in the midst of a picturesque garden topped by two king -buildings which har- monize well with its straight horizon—the Royal Instiletien and the pro- jected National Gallery. To the left is the new College of the Free Kirk; behind and ebove„ the famous rock and castle. The lithograph, executed in neutral tints, gives-a'very fair idea of the general scene as it will ulti- mately appear. _