Topics Of The Day.
THE UNIVERSITY COMMISSIONS. Tan Gazette this week announces two Commissions, to inquire respectively into the state, discipline, studies and revenues of the Universities and......
More Work For Thr Colonial Reform Society. De. 'alto's...
in Australia comes just in time to confirm Mr. Adderley's announcement, that more useful employment awaits the Colonial Reform Society next session. The retrospect of what the......
The Orion Sentence.
II111 s e..T THE sentence upon Henderson and Williams, the 4. ,and mate of the steam-ship Orion, is perfectly warranted by e facts ; and yet the context of other eases, if we......
A Struggle For Light And Life.
IN the interesting chapter of his Personal Recollections which Lord Cloncurry devotes to the Education question, the following remarks caught our attention when we first read......