7 SEPTEMBER 1850, Page 12


in Australia comes just in time to confirm Mr. Adderley's announcement, that more useful employment awaits the Colonial Reform Society next session. The retrospect of what the Society has done is an earnest of what it Will do. Even in its young days, when it has been recruited by compara- tively few politicians, it has proved whet men could do who United for a eoramon and a substantial object if they followed up their mien with perseverance. The action of the Society has obliged isters to pay an unwonted attention to Colonial affairs, and even to give them prominence in the Royal speeches ; it has ob- liged Government to abandon soine.of the most offensive positions in regard to the Australian Colonies ; it has made a more ex- tended circle of the political world in this country familiar 'with certain broad Colonial questions: and, by suppl3ing to the Colo- nies a trustworthy channel of comninnicafion with this country, it has done not a little to mitigate the estrangement which the Colo- nial Office had done so much to promote. The memorial from New South Wales; adopting the principlesOf the Soddy, attests the degree to which this channel of communication is appreciated; and as time advances, there can he no doubt that the volunteer association will receive the adherence of a very lane constituency.

The report of Dr. Lang's movement also points out how much lies befine the Society in its labour of conservatwe reform. Smart- ing with slights' to his clients in New South Wales and to hiniself personally, Dr. Lang left our shores, as he said, like a new Frank- lin? to bring about the separation Of the .1 T tat/ t Ilan Colonies from Great- Britain and their erection into a Federal Republic. That he has been imprisoned ' for debt, proclaimil it- fact which was pre- viouslv no secret, that -Dr. Lang is in'peouniary difficulties,— brought about chiefly, we beli0e,h bre° devotion with which he has followed up publiecfbjects."-ifelf? .-1;illarged With intemperate zealotry. Such nrstold' airfitilfilltszkeeZr ihowever, do WI* prove

him to be the reverse of a man dangerous to a feeble, and evasive Government; nay, they rather confirm the idea that he is one of the most dangerous class,—a man with necessities, hot on the popular side, devoted to the public, influential, and ambitious; he is a dangerous man—an austere Wilkes.

• To swallow up such movements of disaffection in one of genuine reform, is among the functions of the Colonial Reform Society. But although the objects of the Society are conservative, its mem- bers will do well to recollect that its success has been precisely ap- portioned to its boldness and. resolution. It has succeeded most where it stood firmest ; its fair influence has been partially neutral- ized by the shameless truckling of professed "Liberals " in the House of Commons. To strengthen their firmness, the mein- hers should bear in mind that they not only have to supersede the open demagogues who agitate for separation but alseTtii act against the secret traitors in office who sit behind ,Ministera,,, if not among them, and whisper the same counsel to dismernber,t,Imerapire.