merivxfs. seln,rzt-RE.
;p4tidi Raffaele Monti., Whose arrival n London we had occapielOib welcome about two yeare-ageis:agaiii installed in' a sort' of provisional stiglio, at :the lot* of Messrs. Atill,and Dominic Coleaglii, where....Ne friends are adinitted to see his More *Cent works. The present collection includes Bohm pretty trifles of a play4 order : such as Cupid in -the guise of Delicanuira Mid-little Spirits of tiè Rowers themselves, alhelittmaie and a lily, beautifrilljr,sjulottired.
. But theSprinchial works, are
up ;of young Jay fishers, the heads
being portraits, and a full-sized statue of Eve disconsolate.
The double portrait is characterized ii;nigaTti's lifesome action and grace : one of the girls lies just caught a fi*'-iihieh het companion is stooping to secure ; the kneeling girl having beearin round404ther's waist, while she looks up into her face smiling The rod and.iinsare defects, because they are not in the same material With the fignree. The :choice of a medium in art is almost arbititiry- ;And- the inedhim mnsfbe'consistent throughout- • In sctilpture, anything IthatInuwee,like a peivaillous Em- ig -as utterly destructive of. imity-aa tangible relief upon a pletare. For similar reasons, we regret th - neW , t Signor;'Monti has pOicilled the ;9, pupils of the eyes : his hand cetild. '!' all that se4p-fles:Ight to give of depth to the eye by faithfully following deep 'shadows Of the lid and the superficial-inkeption.of thkirili..d' ,,. ,...,,i'5,,Ibi1) '447 34 -r0. , The figine of -EVW•iil'idrj,"fieilutiftiliNITM Laitebinilliiiiiltence a cherub-headed serpent peeps out amidst blossoming roses—leaning on one hand, the ether area testing _on•her LP; her le . fir4;, :4n0456410 to- gether at the ankles : her 'countenance; overshadowed . .her..abundsuit hair, is sweet: and gently mournful, lief :pare I.S. the sfik type of wiinianhood, histithintly swelling, but yetWitheleonstrieted bv the finest delicacy of moulding. The free and gmedid :flow of the.general lines is diversified by the InCiat exquisite inodlig of- thd-surfaceilte the4,14 of the muscles beneath, the folds of the integuments, „anci the knitliiii'Of the joints. The ideal and the real Unite in the perfect type of womanhood.