7 SEPTEMBER 1850, Page 20


i on the 2d August, at Madeira, the Wife. of Calverley Betvicke, Esq., of Ballston ;Hall, Leicestershire, of a son.

; On the 29th, at Kirkennan, Kirkcudbrightshire, -the Wife of Robert Weenies. Esq.,

. otatlaughter. . . . . . I

On the 30th, at Pickeridge, near Fulmer, the Hon. Mrs, Frederick Holland, of a son. . - ' On the 30th, atKilnwiek Percy, the Hon. Mrs. Arthur Doneomhe. of a sun. On the 39th, at the Rectory, Staplegrove, Taunton, the Wife oithat.,Itev. S. W.

King, of Et daughter._ 1.. ,,.i.t. . H the ..'. On the 30th, at odsock Priory, Notts, e Wife of William Leigh Mall* :of a son. _ • ' 7 , OA the 31st, at Swainston, Isle of Wight, the Wife of John Simeon,sqtJ,DP ., of a son. i -On the 1st September, at Havant Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. Thomas Goodwin i Hatchard, of a son.

1 .0n the 24, at Castle Strathallan, Perthshire, the Wife of the Hon. W. II. Drum- mond', of a son.. .,. . - ,. : .

IOn. the 3d, at South Kilworth. Rectory, Litineeteralsifet :the Wife of the Rev. Assheton Pownall, of a son, still-horn. . . i. ' lutriti _ ' On the 4th, in Southwick Street, Hyde Park Squarec Lu,lifthe Lady of Captain sir :James Clark Ilosit,HoyalNavy, a-son. - , On the 11th April, at Sydney, the Rev. William Itidley,lcBeAii 0 r tilt, University College of Li:Potion:. 'Iffiki, Trofeisor lif Litin;Givek, and 'Itibigwirite the Australian 'College,. Sydney,' On ,of William 'Ridley,' Esq., of Fels ted , Begets:AO' Isabella, fouttle 1 daughter-of the Rev. JOatili Rogerson Cotter, Rector of Dottonghnione, Ireland:,.'", , On the-29th Abgtist, at-Bangor limbed Church; Flintshire, Francialtu5selLEst14, ;of the Inner Ttaiple, barrister-at-latiri3Oldest son of the Rev. John'Russell, LOX i !Rector of 'BC Botolph's, Hishop9,gitte, 'London and Canon of Canterbury, to-lei/ay. Anne.. second daughter or Lieutenant-Colonel Heightley, of Picehill liall,riettr20

rirriUtbani; Denbighshire. _i

, On the 29th, at St. Clement's, Truro, Jr. George Froneia King, 'of the-Bo:laugh," ' London, to Harriett Ann, only daughter of the late ItichirdbRianderptheAfrican ;traveller.' ' I .3I .3 1!


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' Out the I 29th at-St tle orge's Church,. Br i'stoli'heTe IteaitheetA-Wortleyi'Ybrkshire, iii of1140i.Gettenrlldttdianreaedr-iB 4loiotssdtnleaandTnttgr nthe forces in he Southern district, Cork, to Maria, youngest daughter of the late.Ses. John Venour, Rector of Bourton-upon-Dunsmore, Warwickshire. MAIM-31SL* SL-Pi67a. Punlsqo,.1hEkr1 of Darnley, tiaidfllarriet Pelharn,

eldestdaughtee Mabel:Earl of ton • • •• . •

On the 3d September.Citodommtphestor„, Hunts, by the Bev. Charles Gray, Vicar, Henry, fourth on Of Edatuncl_Collier. sq., of Walthamstow. Essex, to Mary Spencer, onlY daughter of Jamei Iltninybun, Esq., of Godmanchester.

On the 3d, at HoralerChuich, Gloucestershire, the Rev. Robert Kingsborough St. Lawrence, son of the late Mon. and Right Rev. the Bishop of Cork and Ross, to Elizabeth Anne, daughter of the late 'Richard Boyle Townsend, Esq., of Castle Townsend, county of Cork: On the 3d, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brompton, Edmund Pinnock, fifth son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Denness, to Caroline Christiana, second daughter of-the late Major-General Sir Robert Bartley, K.C.B. On the 4th, at St. Benedict's Church, Cambridge, by the Rev. J. Pullen, Mr. Macmillan, to Fanny, only daughter of Charles Orndge, Esq., Regent Street, Cam- bridge.

On the 4th, at the Cathedral Church, Manchester, the Rev. Arthur Tidnutn, ILA., of Woodstock, to Mary, second daughter of James Kershaw, Esq., M.P. for Stock-



On the 29th August, at Holyhead, from hurts received by the overturning of a carriage, Anne; youngest daughter of the late lion. William Fullerton Elphinstone. On the 30th, in Welbeck Street, Sir Peter Pole. Bart.; in his 80th year.

On the 30th, it Ham House, Isabella, Wife of the Hon. Frederick Tollemache, M.P.-' in her 33d year. On the 31st, in London, Joseph Bailey, Esq., of Easton Court, M.P. for the county of Hereford, eldest moo of Joseph Bailey, Esq., .81.P.-for the county of Brecon; in hirs.38th year,

- On the 1st September, at Dalkey, near Dublin, Admiral Robert Dudley Oliver; in his 84thsyear. ' On the 2d, in Grafton Street, the Right Hon. C. W. Williams Wynn, M.P.; in his 74th year. On the,2d, Lucy.Frances, second daughter of Joseph Pugh, Esq., of Porchester Terrace,'Kensington Gardens.