The Stafford Magistrates have committed for trial ADD Chadwick, and
her mother—Tunnic e on the charge of having participated in the poisoning of Samuel Tunnicliffe; the uncle of Ann, at Swmscoe. It will be recollected that William -Chadwiek, who was convicted of the principal share in the crime, and is now under a respithd sentence of death, implicated his wife and mother-in-law by his confession.
At the Richmond Police Court, yesterday, Francisco Mouhards, a foreigner about thirty years old, was charged with delivering begging-letters at the re- sidence of the Dutohess of Orleans, and with obtaining money through their representations. He was sentenced to imprisonment for seven days in the Brixton House of Correction. In 'his pockets were found &number of letteni -in English, French, and Spanish, signed "Francisco Michodsi" " Francois Miehiode," and "Francis afouhards.' They represented that the writer • was a -native of Caviaca and that he has recently come from Paris totally destitute of food or lodging, and, not knowing a word of the English lan- guage, cannot obtain employment. Among them was this pithy epistle to the Duke of Wellington—" Francois Mouhards has had the honour to write to his Grace the Duke of Wellington on the 9th of July last, and has had no answer ; and he comes to beg .to know if his Grace will answer him. Lon- don, 6th August 1850."
One of the sheds of the Midland Railway station at Nottingham was burnt down yesterday morning. The fire began in some stacked cotton, mid spread to a quantity of timber and stored beans. About MO/. worth of property was