There is nothing to remark upon in the transactions in the English Stock Market during the week ; the fluctuations of Consols both for Money and Account having been only from buyers to sellers at 961. and the closing quotation this afternoon being 961 a. In the Foreign Market, the transac- tions have been nearly as unimportant.; the fluctuations there having been almost entirely confined to the limits of the nominal quotations given in our Saturday afternoon's report. The only appearance of business has been in Spanish and Mexican Stock. To the latter the publication of the report qf the Committee of Bondholders, detailing alaollf other Wiles the Government proposal for the conversion of the Debt, has given a slight impulse. These conditions are—lst, The conversion of the whole of the Foreign Debt of Mexico into a Three per Cent Stock ; 2d, The apportionment of 3,500,000 dollars of the American Indemnity (instead of 4,500,000 as originally pro- posed) in final liquidation of the dividends in arrear from 1st July 1847 to the period when the resumption of payment may take place; 3d, The as- signment of 30 per cent of the general customs-duties of the Republic, in place of the present lien held by the Bondholders,—namely, 20 of the cus- toms-duties of Vera Cruz and Xampico, the whole of the duties upon the export of silver, and a portion of the tobacco revenue. Spanish Stock is heavy at the quotations of last week, and nothing has transpired upon the subject of the proposed conversion of the Stock. The Share Market continues firm, ,and in some cases there has been a con- siderable advance upon our last quotations. The most important improv,o- ment is in Great Western, Midland, and South-western, which have severally improved from 1/. to 4/. per share. North-western and Eastern Counties are stationary ; the success of the Great Northern telling unfavourably upon them The latter, however, is at but a very slight advance. There appears to be a better disposition for investment at present than has been remarked for some tines; and, speaking generally, we consider the tone of the market as firmer than at any period during the last eighteen months.
SATURDAY TWELYR O'CLOCK. A large Sale of Consols occurred yesterday afternoon after the usual hours of business, which depressed the market 4 per cent. The opening price this morning is 9644 both for Money and Account, and the market is without any animation. The decrease of 113,000/. in the amount of bullion in the Bank of England is the subject of comment, and though the amount is but trifling, is by some persons (though not generally) considered as but the commencement of a period of exportation. In the Foreign Market prices are the same as yesterday, and nothing of importance has yet occurred in the Railway Share Market.
r Cents, 371 f ; AuStrian Five per Cents, 85; Thatch Four per Cents,
Caledonian, 874 ; Eastern Cotintice, 6,51 ; Ditto New Preference 6 per Cent,. Ilf ; East Lancashire, 84; 'Great Northern, 104-1 4; Great Western, 63t 4; Ditto New, 17/., 84; Lancaster and 'Carlisle, 554 6; Lancashire an Yorkshire, 43 24; Ditto Fifths, ti 213 London and Blackwell, 51 a;
London, Brighton, and South 811; London.and North-western, 1101" 110; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 17 18; London and South-western, 654;
Midland, Mt 5 If 54; Ditto 601. 101 4; North Staffordshire, 64; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhamon, 8; South-eastern and Dover, 161 1 17; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 151 4; Ditto Extension, 10 4; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 444; York and North Midland, 161 1; Ditto Preference, 71.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account
3 per Cent Reduced, 34 per Cents
Long Annuities Bli nk Stook Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Glints ' Milian 6 per Cents ...... .....
Danish 5 per Cents • ' 96 1 961 96 4 97 98i 9 8 3-16 5-16 214 215 , 64 .67 pm. .. .
' 91 3
• 90 2
102 4 100 101 1. Dutch Danish 3 per Cents 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5-per Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Cen
Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.
Portuguese .5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela 76 9
57 4 89 i 304
29 4 81 821 33 41 1 86 8 109 111 19 1 374 4 34 6
SATURDAY Two o'CLoott.
The English Funds close at the morning's quotations, scarcely any business having occurred in them. The same remark will apply to the Foreign Funds, in which the transactions have been insignificant, as will be seen by the ac- comp.anying list of bargains recorded—Mexican, 29 1 .4 1 ; Peruvian, 82; Russian Four-and-a-half per Ceuta, 97; Spanish Active, 194; Ditto Three 9:Share Market is.heavy ; the folloWing are the principal transactions—