Tuesday's Gazette contained the lists of the separate Commissions ap- pointed by her Majesty to inquire into the state, discipline, studies, and revenues, of the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
For the Oxford Commission—The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Norwich ; the Very Reverend Archibald Campbell Tait, D.C.L., Dean of Carlisle ; the Reverend Francis Jenne, D.C.L., Master of Pembroke College, in the University of Oxford; the Reverend Henry George Liddell, MA., Head Master of St. Peter's College, Westminster ; John Lucius Dampier, Esq., ALA., Vice-Warden of the Stannaries of Cornwall; the Reverend Baden Powell, M.A., Savillian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford; and the Reverend George Henry Sacheverell Johnson, MA., of Queen's College, in the University of Oxford. For the Cambrage C'mmission—The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chester ; the Very Reverend Georoe Peacock, Di)., Dean of Ely ; Sir John Frederick William Herschell, Bart.; Sir John Romilly, Knight, her Majesty's Attorney-General; and the Reverend Adam Sedgwick, M.A., Woodwardian Professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge.
The Gazette also notified her Majesty's appointment of Field- Marshal Arthur Duke. of Wellington to the offices of Chief Ranger and Keeper of Hyde Park and St. James's Park, in the room of the late Duke of Cambridge.
Major-General William Napier has written to the Times on the report- ed causes of Sir Charles Napier's return to England, from the chief com- mand in India. He avers-
" That it is true Sir Charles Napier has tendered his resignation on ac- cotmt of a difference between him and Lord Dalhousie ; but it is not true that this difference arose about barrack-building—or from any desire to make war—or because he disbanded the Sixty-sixth Regiment—or that his lan- guage was intemperate and unbecoming—or that he resigned peevishly. "The real cause of that step was a difference between him and the Gover- nor-General on a vital point of public interest, accompanied by circum- stances which rendereclit imperative upon Sir Charles Napier to resign the high office conferred on him by his Sovereign; and he is prepared to justify his conduct to that gracious Sovereign and to the public, proudly confident that he has served both well, and would have served them better if he had been permitted to combine such service with that self-respect which no man cien relinquish without dishonour."
We understand that Sir Charles Napier has recommended that the va- cancy occasioned by the death of Lieutenant-Colonel King, late of the Fourteenth Dragoons, shall be filled up by the promotion of the senior officer of the regiment. Lieutenant-General Sir William Gomm, Com- mander-in-chief of the Forces at Bombay, proceeds to his destination by the next overland mail; and, it is reported, will, on arriving in India, succeed pro tempore, if not determinately, Major-General Sir Charles Napier as Commander-in-chief of the Queen's and Company's armies in the East Indies.—Globe.
le is rumoured in naval circles, that Lord Francis Russell, brother of the Premier, is about to resign the command of her Majesty's ship Tweed. The reason assigned for this step is a reproof administered to his Lord- ship by the Admiralty for not taking proper precautions to secure the health of his crew during the prevalence of the fearful epidemic that has ravaged nearly the whole of the South-east coast of America.—Standard.
We regret to learn that continued illness has led to the departure from thi& country of his Excellency Count Kielmansegge, the Hanoverian Minister ; who left the Hanoverian Legation a few days since, accom- panied by Counts Charles and George Kielmansegge, his brothers. It af- fords us much pain to state that there is but remote likelihood of his Excellency again visiting this country. His Excellency has been the diplomatic representative at the Come if St. James's ever since Baron Ilemehausen left thia country, in RM.—Trees.
We learn by ash-ices from Hayti that the dispute between that republic end Dominica is in a fair way of adjustment. A note by Lord Palmer- ston accepts the mediation proposed for the termination of the war. All ts of disturbances were considered at an end, particularly as there godsTreecen a formal protestation on their part against any invasion of the Dominican territory by the Haytiana—Standard.
The Sardinian Government has presented a gold medal to Mr. Edwin Archer Wood, an officer in the British mercantile navy, only eighteen years old, for his.astinirable and devoted services in behalf of a distressed
Sardinian brigantine. On the 26th February last, while uili0g to Port Royal, Jamaica, on board the Lady Catherine Barham, he fell in with the Sardinian brigantine Providenza, bound from the Brazils to Genoa, with. yellow fever raging on board. The captain and mate and several of the crew were dead ; but Mr. Wood took command, navigated the vessel to Gibraltar, more than a thousand miles, and thence took her safely into the port of Genoa. Lord Palmerston was made the medium through which this noble action was acknowledged. The medal, and the flatter- ing letter of the Sardinian Minister, were forwarded by him, with a letter expressing his own warm admiration.
Colonel Waters, RE., has inspected the powder-magazines at Liscard, on the Cheshire aide of the port of Liverpool, which frequently contain no less than 15,000 barrels of gunpowder : the proximity of these to the town has caused much uneasiuess, and Colonel Waters has been deputed by the Government to report upon the propriety of removing the magazines to Hilbre Island.
Hitherto letters for the United States from this country, unless they were addressed via the United States packets, have been forwarded ex- elusively by the British lino of packets from Liverpool to Halifax and New York. The steam-ships of the American lines now keep good time, and the Postmaster-General has decided on sending all letters by the first mail-packet that leaves England after they are posted, whether the packet be British or American, and whether it start from Liverpool or Southampton. From one port or other the steam-mails will now follow- each other at intervals never longer than a week, and frequently not longer than three days.
The Lords of the Treasury have accepted the offer of Mr. James La- ming to convey the mails to the Cape of Good Hope for 30,000/. per an- num in screw-propelled vessels; that gentleman's tender having been lower by 20,000/. per annum than a tender from a Glasgow firm.
Apropos to an advertisement of the Society for the Reform of Colonial Government, which appeared in the newspapers last week, Mr. Adderley has employed a portion of his disengaged activity in a letter to the Morn- ing Chronicle, reviewing the achievements of his Society during the past session, to show how useful it has been, and how much it merits support with a view to its future utility. In displaying the usefulness of the So- ciety, it necessarily follows that he must expose the pettinesses and fee- blenesses of Government ; and he does so in a style none the less cutting for its half-bantering pleasantry. The pith of the letter, however, lies towards the close- " The fairest test to which the Colonial Reformers, on the whole, would submit their first pretensions, would be a comparison of the position of Colo- nial interests in Parliament shortly before, and as shortly alter their an- nouncement. For a gauge of their activity, they could refer to any previous Colonial debates in former sessions. For a test of their progress and success, one might institute a comparison between the Premier's opening speech, 'with a view to promote the capacity of the Colonies for self-government,' and her Majesty's prorogation speech, taking credit for having • extended freedom to men capable of exercising it with benefit to themselves.' The concluding efforts of Lord Grey to set himself light with advancing opinions, to the utter discomfiture of his faithful Sancho, were only less ludicrous than his intermittent declaration, that he saw no material change in his position. In the month of May Mr. Hawes was indefatigable in defence of General Assemblies; in July, Lord Grey had abruptly dismissed the idea. In May, Ministers were dividing their forces against the inadmissible proposal to ex- tend a voice in the constitution to the wealthier classes in July, Lord Grey saw no important alteration in their wholesale enfranchisement. In May, the bill was sailing under smuggler's colours, on one side presenting a con- stitution, on the other the display of constitutional powers. In July, both characters were obliterated, and it appeared wholly neutral, offering neither the semblance of a constitution nor scarce a phantom of constitutional pow- ers. In May, Mr. Hawes had never heard of any dissatisfaction with the Colonial Church arrangements ; in July, Lord Grey promised early attention to Mr. Gladstone's most important suggestions on that subject. Lord Grey wound up the discussion by asserting that no bill had ever undergone such an ordeal, yet he congratulated himself on its having escaped unscathed : by which remark he at least showed some appreciation of the discussion, if none of the things discussed ; though the merit of the discussion belonged to his reforming opponents, and the things discussed wholly to himself" . . . . " But all these reflections, and the review of the Colonial session, though encourainy' are by no means remissive of the Reform Society's labours. Every Englishman should come forward to support that association, now, at the very crisis of its labours. It has proved its necessity and its usefulness; it has supplied the Colonies with that channel of public opinion to which every British subject is entitled, and with which they will have to blame themselves alone if they cannot attain their rights. Now that branch Co- lonial Associations are rapidly forming upon (hi. Society, it will require a broader basis of support at home. The fire is indeed kindled, and it Is now essential to the safety of the empire that this solo vent should be made of adequate capacity. A great opportunity has certainly been lost in the unworthy treatment of the first great Colonial constitutional enfranchisement : so much the more reason to show the Colonies that we think so, and that they need not despair. "it is clear that Lord Grey rests satisfied with what has been done: no more is to be expected from him. Another memorial, from five hundred colonists of New South Wales, fifty of them magistrates has just arrived, adopting and embodying the entire doctrine of the Colonial Reform Society; a doctrine to which Lord Grey will certainly have to yield before the close of next session. Meanwhile, the great question forces itself ever onwards, and continually on almost daily attention, in a hundred accumulating details. Many of the cases must be disposed of during the recess of Parliament. The Reform Association, which m its general advocacy, in its publications, and in its control of legislation, has so far fulfilled the promise of its first announcement, will assuredly not flag in constant attention to those matter& during the recess; nor will they release the Ministerial monopolists of Rome Reform from their importunity for similar measures in the Colonies, until they hand over to real representatives of the Colonies, in local legislature assembled, the task which they can only imperfectly fulfil for them, in a Parliament separated from them by thousands of leagues of ocean."
In reply to this I am bound to say, that had this-been niyinsuie,diataanetive, I should certainly have waited for some time yet, with the .hope of its :being possible still to persuade the ecclesiastical authorities to do what might be
in their power to reestablish the orthodox doctrine on infantleptisin.- This, however, IS not the case. The late. painful coefliets joe the(egaialkd)
Church of England have only b instrumental strumental in my conversion to the
Catholic Church in so fir set the„y preyed ter me 'the entire absence of a living definite authority in matters of faith, without which creeds
and formularies, being liable to different interpretations, are mere dead letters. Such a living definite authority, conO.usive and' infallible; as guided by the promised teaching of the Holy Ghost, I Slid alone elahned
and alone exercised in the Churchef Rome. For this reason, and from the firm and overpowering conviction that the Church. of Englarad at the Reformation had forfeited her catholicity in separating herself from the centre of unity, I felt myself bound to leave her, being convinced that she is now only reaping the natural finite of what she had then sown. 31y doubts on this point were not the growth of a day oe a week ; they had long harassed me, and the principal essays to prove the contrary appeared to me eminently unsatisfactory and inconclusive. At the time of the great Meeting in July, my mind was far from easy on the subject, and I did not intend to have taken any part in the proceedings of that day; beyond -re- cording my votes and signing the addresses. When; however, it was ascer- tained that one building was insufficient to contain the whole of the' meet- ing, such numerous entreaties were poured upon me to preside. in another hall, and thus keep together those who would otherwise have been compelled to go cway unsatisfied, that my requests to be excused from Ming any pro- minent Part were overruled, and I was co ...oiled to submit." . In announcing the -fact of Lord Fella .g's secession', the -Times had voted a passage from his speech at the Gorham meeting in St. Martin's Hall, which stigmatized seemsion at this ' juncture as desertion of the.Church at her greatest need. Lord Feilding has not the slightest rpoollection of using such expressions; and he reaffirms what he declared tit the time, that the report of the Times "is an entire forgery."
Lord Lyttelton has written a letter to the (Juardian, with the double object of justifying his non-attendance at the meeting above alluded to, and of stating, in reference to "our. present condition," how far he and those who think with him "agree with the promoters of the meeting, and what is the general course which we ourselves wish to-see pursued on the part of the members of the Church generally, as distinct from those who have peculiar responsibilities of office or position within it." Upon the first point he says- " My chief motive was founded upon a fact which, I think, has hardly been sufficiently dwelt upon, .though at has been adverted to by Dr. Pusey, Mr. Keble, Archdeacon Hare, and others; namely, that there exists the most grievous amount of misunderstanding about the'meaning of certain theologi- cal terms involved in the question in debate, in consequence of which many persons suppose that they differ when infect they substantially ogee. I do ttot say that there are no extreme parties who could not be brought to agree, nor do I inquire how far such misunderstanding may extend; but I could not, in our present circumstances, join in a body of resolutions which.- did not contain a distinct recognition of this fact, and a conseeuent profession that their object was not, as one writer has announced it inevitable, that there should be 'internecine war' between the two parties in the Church, but, on the contrary, that the attempt at least should be made to reconcile them."
• On the second point, he refers to the declaration by the ,clergy of the diocese of Worcester—
"It purported that those who signed it, and who had previously declared that they held the doctrine of the regeneration of all infents in 'baptism to be fundamental, did not impute untrue opinions or vital points, irreconcilable with theirs I am not addressing those who seem to consider that the Church is nothing bet a bundle of documents, which may as well be interpreted by one acute Man as by another. I am supposing agreement upon this as the con- clusion both of reason and of history —that, however documents and formularies may be sound and unexceptionable, the Church, and the Church alone as a living power, ought to have in her own hands the function of watching over the construction and practical application of them. . . . At present I shall do no more than say this, and invite the expression of the opinion of those who agree in this general principle—an expresso)] to be confined in the first instance to this alone, upon which action may be founded afterwards. I have not even used the term 'Synod' or Convocation,' be- cause, in so doing, we immediately come upon points of detail, which I should wish to see further discussed. It is probably the opinion of no one that either of these bodies—understanding by them, as relates to their main prin- ciple' entirely clerical bodies—should eventually furnish the precise model of the Church Legislature which we wish to establish. But, especially with regard to Convocation it is a question to be argued, whether it, as already existing, should be called into practical operation, with the intention that it should then be reformed as may seem fit, or whether the attempt should be mede at once to constitute, with legally authorized functions, such a body art we should wish to see permanently established." • The Reverend Eyre Stewart Bathurat, Rector of Ribworth, Beau- champ, Leicestershire, and formerly Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, his resigned his living, value 15001, per annum ; and was received into the -Roman Catholic Church, on Thursday last, ,by the 'Very Reverend Dr. Newman, at the Oratory, in Alcester Street.-4ris' Birmingham eactte, Aecording to a document recently issued, the greatest number of acts of Parliament passed in any one year since 1800 has been 662—the number passed in 1846. Of these, 402 were local and personal, and 43 private, the public acts amounting only to 117. The greatest number of public acts was passed in 1812. In 1841 only 13 acts were passed, two of which were pri.. vale, is the lowest number in the period referred to.. In three instances only is the yearly number under 100; in five instances it is above 100 and i below 200; n 29 it is above 200 ; in 14 it is above 300; in twolkis above 400; and in one above 500. The average legislative fecunaltylee- the last i ten years at the rate of 297-5 acts per annum, of Which 112:9"rire Of public interest. The average for the first ten years of the present century was 283-3 acts of all kinds, and 1321 public acts. • ' . There has been during the last twenty years a gradual progression in the amount of annual balances in the hands of the Nationallebt,Commiesioners on account of friendly seeietike-,.frent 135 909114te left Ur nm,.,-70,37. in 1849. ae-,-ati. LI,.. slumic a.oi 10 ViLlJaw ,N16.` „: The late Parlienientarymelesule ottheRrertnan Slides ithows-elitefratesdlig result..--.Prusaia vantage, ,16,112048inhabitasite; Bavaria; ■■4504,8744-Sexemr, Au36,43.3.;_nagom,A37.44,9o; Yfetteniburg,. 1,743,327 ; %dm:1,1;349,9N ; Electoral IfessoisaWRIncreend.Datob of Heseety,852,679; Samony.,11114- 901?4r•1 4331 _ n lenbrg yeti, u halt- ;tee ware Minor, 77,411.64.1eippeul • inakinel 3.1-;670-, Man provinces of Angtria' and the petty principalitte- • • Gazette ' - I±9n • • . r t, ; .M1 1.1,q 11:1,(19.) VW% 11',d, TO !s7.1.-Lhfi'l 1,1.1{ ,P.1.11Vg02ifiti The teal amount Pefele.P8:404F, agl etvieW484WaalS14/PlartWarixt Englailiband Scotland for tne,yestAA ,wqe, acqr4jng to 41,,,Kftvg* ye 237,9094.1.3s. 10d. ; the anunt mg.218,89Jsi100,,, that for Scotiand, 00l.l The Linder; )1•Iprth-weetettuipaid 30.684A ; the Great11esteriA -PIAi ;-it .PW. glegand lheiggwka- s 171064 ,end entyli 16,0001. . The total Of income-tax for the year, for EigAmid and Scotland, was 184,921/. .-- A cOtory will be held Jsiatorsie:i.4 the. tiiiiAnTightrief ter'n'hier,14or the appointment of the batch of Cardinals. • he Romans repo witkingeh jealousy the -great number of foreigners to be admitted. into the Baer& Qpi- : lege on this occasion. As already.stated,.there.are to be three,Feenaltermej- .nals—the Archbishops of .11,1reims, Besaneen, and Toulouse.; throw. Oxman ICardinals—the ArchbishoPs of Cologne ,Innspriick, _and the iriine attrairt- garY ; two Spaiiish:Caidinalre--the Archbishops of Seville :and Toltde;l.e/ne .English Cardinal-;Dr.-- Wiseman ; one Neapolitan Cardirral,M. ,Cerensd,;. arid three Boman Cardinale—Monsigneri Fornari„Apoatolie Nimenal Re* Roberto Roherti, Sice-President of Rome and:the- 4rmaca, an Fecei,.khe 'Bishop of girlihrWho distiegnishedlumself byeldereeistarime to the,revidn- lion. A new creation of Cardinals will take plage.-in.Deeember..a;aratiars certeVer-#11; If the. Daily ma.f Two 43,x,ilirenAnglish officers wliolhave passed Berlin on. thelfrway,henie- from SL Petersburg, and who aesisted- at the late manceuvres of.the Rimiest corps encamped near lliet city, not only epeakin-terms of admiration of the .drill, efficiency, appearance,nod equipment of th.e.Russian troops, especially of the artillery and cavalry, but of the unheanded attention and civilities that were pen to them at the camp, by order•ofthe Emperor. Home, ;car- riages, quarters, and dinners, were provided for them ; and they had merely to express a wish to have that wish gratified—Ill persons, from high to low, .vying with each other in courtesy and hospitable, attention.; We think it ;right to 'mention this, not onlyeas proof of the Emperor's desire -that eve.g. 'attention should be shown to British officers visiting his deminione, but in the hope that whenever or wherever Russian officers visit Englielt-ganisone, that an effort will be made to repay the debt Of courtesy and soldierly bro.,- therhood.—Russian Correspimdent of the Morning Chronick. , • The _Liverpool Albion states that theAmerican Sailor Frederick Jerome, who behaved BO 'gallantly at the. conflagration af- the Ocean Monarch, two years Since, was introdneed on Saturday to. the Committee of the Shipwreck- ed and Humane Society of that port. It was intimated to him that thegold medal, of the rodety had been awarded. to him, but that the ;Committee would -either present hira with the medal or its equivalent M. money, at his option. After some little consideration on his,part, he stated that he pre- ferred the money to the meal; and twenty-five gruireas were paid to lum, The late Captain Ii`Neill, who with his lady and two daughters were ;among the unfortunate sufferers by the wreck of the Orion, latelY,cansed a handsome mausoleum to be erected upon a prominent rock in the_ieland Of Giglia, of which he was the proprietor. He wished it to be of,aufficient eize to entomb six; but it was reported by the contractor that, owing to diMnee- cesam.11y limited site, it could contain no more than four ; and his suggestion was Accordingly adopted. The structure had been newly completed when the melancholy catastrophe referred to oecurred; and in thatreceptacle of the dead are deposited the remains of the gallant Captain sind the three members of his hapless family, who perished,Witli him.—Seetlii1; Guardian. M. Fey, the Parisian "marriage negotiator," has just recovered 10,000 francs, in. the.eivil Tribunal of Le Mans, from a oersoa named pesigne*,ancV his son, for negotiating the Marriage of the son with Maderaoieelle, de 13nte, niece of the Marquis de Idalestroit. . • Poitevin has communicated to the newspapers the following account of Ids balloon ascent [from Paris]. on Sunday: " I.soeri reached the-olouds,• and rapidly passed above them but I did not•ricie so high by faros on the last occa- sion ,• and yet my horse bled from the mouth and noetrils: This emisefien of blood shows what wasprevioustly, preyed to me liyaiturether.of experiments, namely, that the beds of the- atmosphere do not p.rogressively,deerearte:;•iu other words that the barometric column, after having fallen to 4000 metres, may rise to '6000 metres- and evenmore.- In *using through the donde, I was not, astern the last occasion, covered with congealed vapours • theelou tric state of the atmosphere wee in equilibrium. I:arrived at a mitieter•parit six between, the commune of •Nosayend that :of MercOussis,. and. -a-as very kindly received by M.. Erizon, of Bellebat, in the latter commune."-Gaisg. manes Messenger. - The Duke of Buceleuch is.•erecting at • Grantonst-patent•slip;.for :the rtee pair of vessels, on the largest scale yet ,atteeipten, it:being intended atohe available for vessel's even of 1200 tons.—Eacinborgh ildrertisoro mug° (lam Some months ago, operations wore in progress at the BlaekhiaLattinkoá the Forth and Clyde: Canal, to do eway with the waste of time attendant on so tedious and complicated an Operation, by thosubstitution.of entinelitesi on which the boats might be drawn up to the proper. levetibyaileaps ofeci, stationary steam-engine. The workti-hrieing.eowhoen brought t‘ta. eemple- lion, the new process was put to the tort en Saturday last;,...The,result was most satisfactory; three boats having lieen.deaw-n up in•letra than five mi.- nutesoehilst to havemade them pass Attrongh Ate lockaiitottillklay* *keit fully pall an hour.—Liverpool Chronicle. blow lati71:9:1 Excursion..trains oat railways have recently been mueh•lit vognirwith the companies; and if they. pay like the • one mentioned below .they must be a very profitable branch of the traffic. .":The exeursion-train.fieW,Oxford, on Monday, brought up to Paddington 3200 The tialmlytielded about 6501., and the expenees were, perhaps, 304." a ..• , A monthly counnunication has been established by the-4'041dgC° between New York and Oregon .1q• way of the Isthmus and Califotnie. The Veit mail 481:110 through...by-41watt steamer, and was delivered in thir- tytaifile days. : • - • ,• ; . . • .1! at ,The Cost trensmittinedeipitelreis Ttittrb ligtaitilN magnetic telegraph is now reduced to two cents [one penny] for diefiliert. The distance ex _ _ There is a: 'mien Will o h fseulgvaartir, por 2174'"mcserchnsamluire.greaThinerfennaret, ad . 0 ring rues; e payment being made in French silver coin, which is abundant on the Isthmus, or in gold dust. The immigration of Blacks and Mulattoes from Jamaica is also considerable. On the Spanish side of the river, nearly all the boats and hotels belong to dark emigrants from Jamaica or from the Dutch island of Ouracoa. A most interesting discovery has been made in Russia, between Dorpat and Nerve., of a combustible as carboniferous and calefactory as coal. It is of a yel- lowish brown colour, with white spots, and is the subject of much specula- tion, being said to be of a much earlier geological period than any mown coal-field.—Ktaing Journal. Letters received in London from Wellington in New Zealand mention a murder, with circumstances singularly shocking to the imagination, recently discovered at Port Nicholson. Johia Ellis, am of a respectable tradesman in the East of London, and lately an apprentice of Messrs. Somes the great shipowners, had charge of their ship the General Palmer. Four men—Good alias Henderson, a deserter from the Sixty--fifth Regiment, leCoslen, Jones, and Thompson—visited him in his Ship, and learned that he had saved money; in April last he was missed; Mr. Bethune, the ship's agent, found his mutilated corpse packed in a salt-beef cask—the head had been cut off, and the body was steeped in *brine! The four men above named fled, but have all been arrested ; and circumstantial evidence fixes them with the crime. All the summer circuits, we believe, without exception, have exhibited a startling decrease of eiVil business; and we bear the gentlemen of the bar, of all ranks, have reason to complain, not only of the past dearth of business, but of the disheartening prospects of the future. It is to be observed that this dearth of business, which was largely occasioned by the original Local Courts Act, will be aggravated when the new one with its greatly extended jurisdiction, has come into operation. As one instance of the extraordinary aontrast between the present and former state of circuit business, we may cite the ease -of Liverpool. When Mr. Justice .Cromwell presided in the Civil Court two years ago, he had to dispose of 188 causes; this summer his labours were restricted to getting through 66. Under these circumstances, the apprehensions of the members of the bar seem undoubtedly too well founded.—Legal Observer. Jean Stauff, who had been condemned to perpetual imprisonment for having assassinated the Countess of Goerlitz, at %rmstadt, has just confessed his crune in the prison of Manensehlop. He declared that he had entered the room of the Countess to announce to her that he was going out; and finding- no one in the room, he was tempted by the articles of value he saw there to commit a robbery. The Countess came in ; a struggle took place, and he seized her by the throat and strangled her. He afterwards placed the body in a chair, and putting round it a quantity of combustible articles, set fire to them. A seizure has money been made in London of tobacco which had been adulterated to an unusual &tent ; in some eases the sophistication amounted 'to seventy per cent of the compound. _A Coroner's Jury who sat at Dodsworth, near Barnsley, on the body of a still-born child, returned a verdict of "No use,"—intending to censure the investigation as unnecessary. W.. B. Walton, a poor miner living near Aldstone, _was last week left by -will heir and executor to the property and estate of William Bell, Esq., High Shield, near Ilexham, estimated to be worth about 100,000/. The fortunate heir of this magnificent property is a decent respectable man, with a large family.--ifin is Journal. A gentleman who has just arrived at Southampton in the Avim steamer has brought three bears from California, cuhs of a bear that was killed while stealing part of the carcass of a bullock. The cubs were very small when taken' but have grown much during the voyage. The owner of the bears also brings with him certain skins containing gold dust worth 25,000 dollars. - A couple of paupers in Penrith Union Workhouse have performed a foot journey to Gretna Green, and got married there. The man was a widower, with three children.' the woman, a widow, with four. It seems that they had been sweethearts many years ago, before they wedded other partners. They gave notice to quit the workhouse ;. walked to Gretna ; by their tears and entreaties induced the officiating priest to marry them for a miserable fee ; walked back to Pemith ; and then reentered the workhouse to spend the honeymoon in a state of separation. On Friday last, the whole of tire pauper children, about fifty in number, and Several adult paupers of the Colchester Union-house, received an invite from the Reverend Dr. Seaman, Rector a Greenstead, to pass a pleasurable afternoon at the rectory; where they were regaled with tea and plum- cake ; after which they indulged in various rustic gambols on the lawn, in which they were assisted by the worthy Doctor and his amiable lady, who did their utmost to promote the innocent amusements, and appeared de- lighted in having the means to render so many little smiling faces happy.— Ipswich Erpress. , While three horses were drawing a waggon across the Eastern Counties Railway, near Colchester, at an occupation-road attached to Mr. Garrad's farm, an up-train suddenly came upon it. The carter was riding one of the horses; he leaped off, but had so narrow an escape that the engine tore away one of the flaps of his coat. The waggon and horses were smashed to pieces or mutilated ; but the passengers in the train escaped with a fright. The accident is ascribed to a high engine-shed that has recently been erected near Kr. Garrad's road, shutting out the view of an up-train till Close at hand. 'While an excursion-train was proceeding from Aberdeen to Forfar, a young man opened the door of a carriage, and leaped out. The passengers thought be must have been killed; and as soon as possible an engine was despatched to search for his body ; hut no trace of him could be found. Subsequent in- Ramos for him, that he might be punished for a breach of a bye-law, have , been equally unsuccessful. ; On the South-western line, last Tuesday evening, the engine-driver of the seven o'clock down-train, between Eaher and Weybridge, saw ahead of him, a crowd of moving objects. He shut off the steam, and tried to stop the I train, but was quite unable to prevent its running through the dark mass. ' Leaving word at the next station, he pursued his journey. On Thursday morning it was found that he had shot though a small flock of sheep, and literally cut from twenty to twenty-five to pieces, the mangled remains of as many sheep being fouseattered for a long distance. They had strayed on ,to the line through an-opening-in the palings of a neighbouring field. As a short train was proceeding from London to Woolwich on Tuesday menung, the crank axle of the engine broke, and the train left the rai near Cluirltou station. 'The driver, finding engine eft the road, in shutting of the steam, allowed the engine to run some distance in -the ballast, thereby affording time to the guard to put on his break ; 10iikaraventecl any v4pleat collision between the carriages, or hurt to the Pomernftetn. Some time since, a cat belonging to a persorAnined Thorpe, living at Ac- tion Seat in Somenietatire, came home with aithdin its neck, as if from the bite of a dog. From that time there was tweege ia. twos a manner. Having bitten three persons she was destroyed ; and the wounds of the people bitten were poulticed. Many weeks after, hydrophobia spewed in a lad of sixteen who had been bitten in the finger, and he has died after dreadful agonies. Great alarm is felt about the others who were bitten.