The Board of Trade returns for the month ending the 5th August, show a decrease of exportations on comparison with those of August 1849, to the amount of 334,858!.; but it should be remembered that the ex- ports of the month ending August 1849 were unprecedented, and exceeded those of August 1848 by 2,012,500/. The decrease in the present return of exports is chiefly on cotton manufactures and yarn, together about 200,000!.; on woollen manufactures, 142,66,5!.; silk manufactures, 18,864L; and on metals, 130,842/. On the other hand, there is an in- crease on linen and woollen yarns, and on raw wool ; on machinery, coals and culm ; and on alkali : in the aggregate about 200,0001. The total exports during the first seven months of the year were 37,808,0721. against 82,879,8651. during the same time in last year; every preceding month showing a greater increase than the decrease of the last month. Among the imports, those of grain show an advance compared with the same month in 1849, of 500,000 quarters. After a considerable time of stagnation, the consumption of coffee shows a forward movement ; that of tea and sugar, continues in its steady line of advance.