7 SEPTEMBER 1901, Page 25


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not Gem reserved for review in other forms.] The Expositor. Edited by the Rev. Robertson Nicoll. Sixth Series. VoL III. (Hodder and Stoughton. 79. (3d.) —Perhaps the most interesting papers in this volume are Professor Cheyne's "Few Things Needful" and Mr. David Smith's "Recent New Testament Criticism," not so much for themselves as because they make a sharp contrast. "Critical progress is compatible with fundamental Christianity," says Professor Cheyne. Mr. David Smith thinks that this critical progress has come to a point where fundamental Christianity pretty well disappears, and refers for proof of this to Professor Schmiedel's article in the" Eucyclopredia Biblica." We have not space to mention other articles, but we may say that the volume is of more than average interest.