7 SEPTEMBER 1901, page 17


A REPLY. (SEE "WHITHER AWAY p" THE "SPECTATOR," AUGUST 31ST.) MISTRESS, I go the beaten way, The way that many a one has trod; On, on, and on until the day That lays me 'neath......

Professor Cappon And Dr. Theal.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOFL1 Si,—As two correspondents seem to think that I treated unfairly Professor Cappon's book, "Britain's Title in South Africa," in the Spectator......


BISHOP WESTCOTT'S LAST BOOK.* DEATH does indeed give a solemnity to the last words of a life, lending them, as the poet says, "a power to live, after the vanished voice, and......


"A VOICE! A voice ! " I cried. No music stills The craving heart that would an answer find, No song of birds, no murmur of the wind, No—not that awful harmony of mind, The......