Wednesday's Daily Telegraph Contains A Long Telegram From...
Burleigh, its special correspondent at the front, giving an account of the wrecking of a train at Waterval last Saturday. The train contained, besides an escort of officers and......
A Prapos Of The Treatment Of Train-wreckers, The Folk Wing
quotation from one of General Sherman's orders issued in 1864 is made in a letter sent to Friday's papers by the secre- tary of the Army League :—" The use of torpedoes in......
The" Chun Incident" At Berlin Has Terminated In The Retreat
of the German Emperor. Prince Chun, after much telegraphing with Pekin, positively refused to allow any of his suite to perform the kow-tow, and the Emperor thereupon agreed to......
News Of The Week.
T T is difficult from the vague and conflicting telegrams to 1. determine what amount of progress has been made in South Africa during the past week, but it seems probable that......
The German Emperor's Reply Was Also Dignified, Though...
tone. He denounced the murder as "an abominable crime," and though rejoiced to believe that personally the Emperor of China had no part in it, or in the further acts of violence......