The Book of Asparagus. By Charles Ilott. (J. Lane. 2s.
6d. net.)—This is the first of a proposed series of "Handbooks of Practical Gardening." Mr. Ilott, who has a practical acquaint- ance of many years with his subject, gives counsel on many matters that concern it,—site, treatment of soil, manuring, and last, but not least, cutting. Don't touch a new bed after May, nor any bed after June 15th, is our author's dictum. We specially commend this little volume to our readers. The growing of asparagus does not receive the attention that it deserves; there is a practically unlimited demand for it, and much of the supply now furnished from abroad might come from this country. There is a chapter on "Asparagus as a Decorative Plant"—its feathery foliage and brilliant fruit make it suitable for the purpose—and others on seakale, celery, celeriac (" turnip rooted celery "), salsify, and scorzonera.