7 SEPTEMBER 1907, Page 1

NEWS OF THE WEEK • HE most important event of

the week has been the signa-

ture at St. Petersburg last Saturday of the Anglo-Russian Agreement regarding the mutual arrangements and interests of the two Powers in Asia. The plenipotentiaries who signed for the two Powers were Sir Arthur Nicolson, our Ambas- sador, and M. Isvolsky, the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Treaty will not be published until after the exchange of ratifications, which will probably not be for several weeks. In the meantime both the Governments are pledged to the strictest secrecy, in order that the details of the Agree- ment may be communicated to the interested Powers. The completion of an Agreement so long desired by the wisest men in both countries, and by all lovers of peace, is a matter for the sincerest satisfaction, and our warmest congratulations are due to the Government as a whole, and especially to Sir Edward Grey for the patience and good sense with which he has conducted the negotiations.