7 SEPTEMBER 1907, page 28
Our Struggle For The Fourteenth Colony. By Justin H. Smith.
2 vols. (G. P. Putuam's Sons. 25s. net.)—It may be necessary to explain that the "Fourteenth Colony" means Canada,—practi- cally, of course, "Lower Canada," which at the time of......
Messrs. Cassell Send Us Some Specimens Of A New Series
of standard books which they are publishing under the title of "The People's Librail " (8d. and is. 6d. per vol.) They are well printed and well got up, and certainly offer good......
Goldsmiths' And Silversmiths' .work. By Nelson Dawson....
25s. net.)—This is a history of the subject from the earliest times. The author goes back as far, to give a snore or less definite date, as the Mycenaean period, and traces the......