Old-age Pensions.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " $PECTATOR:] SIR,—/t must be forty years since Canon Blackley put forth his admirable scheme of compulsory insurance whereby enough would be saved between......
Letters To The Editor.
THE REFORM OF THE HOUSE OF LORDS. LTo Talc EDITOR OF run “ SPECTATOR:9 SIE,—It may very well suit the tactics of the Liberal Party to cripple the House of Lords in the way......
The Second Chamber
[To THE EDITOR OF THE - Brzoreion.."] SIR,—Dr. Smith is an historian, and yet he uses the phrase "the Second Chamber" (Spectator, August 31st). Historically, the House of Lords......
Supply Of Food In Wartime.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sr,—This bogey of a possible embargo is a constant resource of Protectionist politicians who want to make our flesh creep, and they all do as......
The Austrian Pension Law.
[TO THE EDITOR OF Till "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The enclosed will, I think, be of interest to your readers. I have also more details, but they are too long for publication, I fear.—I......