Anglo - American Memories. Second Series. By George W. Smalley, M.A. (Duckworth
and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—This new volume of Mr. Smalley's Memories is in reality a book of word portraits. The American journalist draws for his English and American audience a galaxy of famous men. Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Balfour, Lord Rosebery, Mr. Winston Churchill, the late Duke of Devonshire, the late Duchess of Devonshire, Lord Haldane, Whistler, some millionaires, and others. Mr. Smalley has a curiously intimate touch. He leaves his readers with the impression that he has told them a great deal which most people do not know. It is a gift this touch, and renders all his writing readable. It is not the same thing as the power to delineate character, though it often passes for it. It means the diligent use of social oppor- tunities, a good memory, and a practised pen.