7 SEPTEMBER 1912, page 23

The Magazines.

IN the Nineteenth Century Major Clive Morrison-Bell, M.P., writes with force and cogency on "Redistribution before Home, Rule," a subject which he has made peculiarly his own.......

Some Books Of The Week.

[trader this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not beat reserved for review in other forms.] Old-Age Dependency in the United States. By Lee Welling Squier.......

Moldable Nover.s.—the Big Fish. By H. B. Marriott Watson....

and Co. Os.)—A treasure-hunt in Peru, packed with exciting adventure.—Clara. By A. Neil Lyons. (John Lane. 6s.)—Sketches of Mr. Lyons's friends around " Arthur's " coffee-......


LAMORNA.• THERM is a certain family resemblance between Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick's novels, in so far that she has a predilection for heroines who have come down in the world and are......

The Daughter Of Brahma. By I. A. R. Wylie. (mills

and Boone 6s.)—The English reader will find it hard to fathom exactly why Sarasvati, the heroine of this book, should have been called "The Daughter of Brahma" and elevated to......