[to The Editor Of The "spectatoz."] Sin,—in The Spectator Of
August 31st, in the course of the leading article on "The Panama Canal Act," you say : (1) " For what other reason did Great Britain give up her right to be joint-builder and......
[to The Editor Of Tier "spectator. "] Sir, —may I Suggest...
if the strife of our political parties is comparable to cricket, then the practical abolition of the House of Lords amounts to an expulsion of the umpire ? Such an act in......
The Appointment Of Scoutmasters.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—It has not come as a surprise to me that your corre- spondent "Yager" should have experienced the benefit which young men obtain from......
The Right Of Rebellion.
[TO THB EDITOR OF THE ..SPECTATOR."3 Stn, — " Ulsterman " accuses me in your issue of August 31st of misrepresenting the attitude of Unionist Ulster on Home Rule. At the same......
The Panama Canal Act.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Apart from the question of the violation of treaties, there appears to be only one valid reason why the American Senate should not give......
Resistance To Acts Of Parliament.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—My reference to the Quebec Marriage Law and the judgment of the Privy Council was an illustration only, and illustrations hardly ever......