[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—AS is usually the case, your journal has shown the sensible and human way in which to deal with the dread possibility of further wars.
You point out that nickel and tungsten are key minerals essential to modern warfare ; both strictly limited in quantity ; and the principal sources of supply are in British hands. What then is to prevent Great Britain from utterly preventing war ?
This question occurs. Are the sources of supply in the bands of British money-making firms and/or individuals, who expect dividends from the sale of such commodities ; or in the actual ownership of the British Government ?
In either case, as this country is far involved with the League of Nations, it would be easy to come to an arrangement to place all supplies of nickel and tungsten in the care of the League of Nations alone and refuse it to any other control. And this Britain could do without delay. She could arrange it this September in Geneva, if she wanted to earn, for all time, the honourable prefix of" Great."—I am, Sir, &c., .0 lo Bank of Australasia, W.C.2. E. HARRISON.