Anti-fascist Folly If There Is Any Disturbance In Hyde Park
on Sunday arising out of the Fascist rally the Anti-Fascists will bear the chief responsibility for it. They are organizing a simultaneous counter-demonstration, condemned by......
The Danger In The Saar The French Note To The
League Council on the problems arising out of the possible transfer of the Saar to Germany still further complicates an almost intolerably complicated situation. There is......
Traffic Advisers The Minister Of Transport Has Acted...
appointing a Standing Road Safety Council, which will meet weekly. The road-traffic problem is viewed from quite different angles by motorists, cyclists and pedestrians......
Mr. Roosevelt And The Cotton Strike President Roosevelt's...
the United States textile strike on the second day of the actual stop- page page (for Monday was a holiday over most of the Union) is, no doubt, secretly welcomed by both sides,......
The Salvation Army's Choice Commander Evangeline Booth,...
on Monday as the fourth General of the Salvation Army, attains a position such as no woman has ever before occupied in the history of the various Churches. Apart from the......
U.s.a. And The Arms Traffic The Evidence Before The Senate
Committee that is enquiring into the American munitions industry has already produced some startling disclosures. Not that there is anything astonishing in ordinary business......
Sir James Jeans And The Universe It Would Take A
Sir James Jeans to comment ade- quately on the Presidential address by Sir James Jeans at the British Association meeting on Wednesday. It soared into regions where only minds......