"the Nudists," Said The Daily Express Editorially On...
to occupy public attention, but they are disregarded more or less." Not, at any rate, by the Express, which gave more space on Monday to reporting the nudist conference than any......
Dean Inge, I See, Told The Modern Churchmen's Conference On
Monday that in his young days one found a copy of the Bible not only in every guest-room in private houses, but in many hotel-bedrooms. As a matter of fact one frequently found......
Miss Gem Hoalling, The Remarkable Little Thirteen-...
won the Middlesex Girls' Tennis Championship last Saturday, has all the makings of an England player in her—and, fortunately, though she is Chinese by parentage she is British......
The Poor Man's Insurance
A BRIEF reference was made in last week's Spectator to the latest report of the Industrial Insurance Commissioner, for the year ending December, 1933. The question of industrial......
From What I Hear In Various Quarters I Doubt Whether
the various obstacles to Russia's admission to the League of Nations are all removed yet. Quite apart from the eleventh-hour rumour of the opposition of Argentina, which, as a......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HOPE the motoring associations and everyone else IL who cares for human life will fight to the last ditch against the suggestion that motor-horns be banned altogether, by day......
Commander Evangeline Booth—now To Become The Third...
likely to keep the Salvation Army well in the limelight. She has a flair for the spec- tacular, stimulated by her 30 years' residence in the United States. But she is an......