Anti-Fascist Folly If there is any disturbance in Hyde Park
on Sunday arising out of the Fascist rally the Anti-Fascists will bear the chief responsibility for it. They are organizing a simultaneous counter-demonstration, condemned by all responsible elements in the Labour movement, and they are summoning the workers " to come in their hundreds of thousands to Hyde Park and see to it that Fascism is drowned in their vast activities." With that temper abroad a serious clash seems inevitable, and it is not surprising to find the Fascia Review remarking that "if the Reds carry out their intentions of turning a peaceful political rally into a dog-fight it is sincerely hoped that the beating up they will get will cool their ardour once for all." Political argument Would become impossible if every time a political party held a meeting its opponents tried to hold another one at the same place and at the same hour. That is what helped to break democracy in Germany. The political arena was turned into a real battle-ground, and the Nazis were able to pose as the only force which, by suppressing the other political parties, could restore order. The Anti-Fascists in pursuing their present tactics are their own worst enemies. In fairness to the Fascists it must be admitted that however violent and brutal they are with interrupters at their own meetings they make no trouble at meetings of their opponents.